Monday 24 May 2010

this post is once again about

the heat we've been experiencing this weekend. it's been nice but it can be annoying sometimes. today i was forced to go on a 5 mile bike ride in the aforementioned heat to attend a lesson of CoPE. in this lesson of CoPE my form tutor explained that he'd sent us an email telling us how to finish our projects. he then read the email out loud for us, and let us leave. what a thrilling lesson. at least i got out of the house i guess. oh well the sun was really bright so i had on snazzy sunglasses today (see picture, although the picture does not contain my sunglasses as they are hard to draw). hannah wrote a story involving me and niamh last night, and i think it's so good i'm going to post it on here. 'On a midnight stroll, with hands held tightly amongst one another, Richard stopped and look deeply into Niamh's eyes. This was odd behaviour for such a heartless beast. "Are you ok?" Niamh asked, "Yes, now that I'm with you, my life is complete" replied Richard. As Richard reached in with eyes twinkling with the ghosts of his past, Kit and Phoebejerked at a passing cat, but that didn't deter Richard. As the couples lips collided all was at peace in the universe, until Niamh reached into her pocket with a sleight of hand only a ninja could aspire to have. Out came a can of Dr. Petersons best Pepperspray, which quickly found it's way from the can into Richards eyes. Niamh took one last look at Richard, whom, moments earlier had seemed so innocent, and ran for her life, into the nearest pub, the Tardy Gate.'

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