Monday 31 May 2010

this picture makes very

little sense to me. i was going to draw a picture of the dogs annoying me, but it somehow turned into this monstrosity.

oh how i love

john campbell. if i was gay i would marry him. now for sleep(see picture).

that last post

was far too lazy of me, please find attached a picture of matt writing some music and playing guitar.

Sunday 30 May 2010

not an awful lot

happening at the moment (see picture). went to town with niamh yesterday, then off to the pub with her again earlier tonight. while there i heard the best song ever; 'hey mate, fuck off, who do you think you are? don't you talk to me like that, i'll do your fucking car'. now imagine that in a belfast drawl and you have a song of epic proportions. speaking of songs of epic proportions, me and matt wrote a song last night. ok i digress a lot has happened this weekend. i've just been too lazy to write about it (oh the woe). i've also been listening to a lot of indie music today. not the 'indie as fuck' kind, but the more indie rock kind. i'm sorry if any family members ever read this, it's awash with swearing today. some other things have happened recently but i'm not going to tell you about them as they're secret (wink face).

Thursday 27 May 2010

tight jeans, double d's make a man

go wit woo. what a shit song that is. and back to my life... well i'm sure you all know about the joys of tests, and i've had double the amount of fun today! with not one, but two tests. maths went surprisingly well, only one really bad question, which was worth 5 marks, so its reet. then physics was slightly different. in the 2 hour gap i had between tests i intended to revise. intended is the correct word as nothing was really done, and so my grade will suffer as a consequence (however i'm dropping it this year anyway so it doesn't really matter). bike journey home as normal on my squeaky wheeled bike (see picture), then xbox etc for a night of relaxing

Tuesday 25 May 2010

i took a break from

revision today and went to town, there i climbed a tree, which was a bad idea because i'm afraid of heights. it also had another consequence (see picture). its been cooler today but still suitably warm so all is good. back to physics now, yay.

Monday 24 May 2010

this post is once again about

the heat we've been experiencing this weekend. it's been nice but it can be annoying sometimes. today i was forced to go on a 5 mile bike ride in the aforementioned heat to attend a lesson of CoPE. in this lesson of CoPE my form tutor explained that he'd sent us an email telling us how to finish our projects. he then read the email out loud for us, and let us leave. what a thrilling lesson. at least i got out of the house i guess. oh well the sun was really bright so i had on snazzy sunglasses today (see picture, although the picture does not contain my sunglasses as they are hard to draw). hannah wrote a story involving me and niamh last night, and i think it's so good i'm going to post it on here. 'On a midnight stroll, with hands held tightly amongst one another, Richard stopped and look deeply into Niamh's eyes. This was odd behaviour for such a heartless beast. "Are you ok?" Niamh asked, "Yes, now that I'm with you, my life is complete" replied Richard. As Richard reached in with eyes twinkling with the ghosts of his past, Kit and Phoebejerked at a passing cat, but that didn't deter Richard. As the couples lips collided all was at peace in the universe, until Niamh reached into her pocket with a sleight of hand only a ninja could aspire to have. Out came a can of Dr. Petersons best Pepperspray, which quickly found it's way from the can into Richards eyes. Niamh took one last look at Richard, whom, moments earlier had seemed so innocent, and ran for her life, into the nearest pub, the Tardy Gate.'

Sunday 23 May 2010

the heat was unbearable

today, so we went for a long walk in it (ever the sensible folk that we are). we all met up at phil's house and then walked off towards the woods near priory high. i'd remembered an old stream shaded by the trees near there, so i thought it would be the perfect place to go. no one else seemed to be impressed by it when we got there (see picture, this one's dedicated to you ben). so we eventually settled on priory high's field under the trees and chillaxed for the next few hours with the intermittent game of catch with joe's american football. then back to phil's to play on 'dante's inferno', which is a pretty sick game where unborn fetuses shoot out of a giant woman's nipples. yes i was as disturbed as you should be now.

Friday 21 May 2010

my house is

full of flies because my mum keeps buying the dogs bones. they smell bad and it's really too hot at the moment for meat to be sitting out (hence the current predicament, and the picture).

Thursday 20 May 2010

sorry about the

lack of posts on here over the past week. i've been having a fairly hectic time with tests and as a result my life has been far too boring to blog about. i now have 3 out of 7 tests complete though (hazzah). other things of note that have happened are i bought a new bass, which has yet to be delivered to me (see picture, yes that is indeed the actual sound a bass makes) and my xbox broke for a few days, but everything is in working order now. on tuesday was my first critical thinking test (admittedly it was the second as it was a resit of the ORIGINAL first test) and there was a question on it that stunned near everyone in the room. '"it's really hard to suck on it and it tastes like sugar" evaluate this claim.' what. the. hell? well that supplied at least some amusement in that oh so boring of tests. i shall now let my nerdiness show and question american people on halo 3. they all seem to be around the age of 13. all of them. every single one. now dont get me wrong, this gives me all the noobs to kill i could ever want, but every time i do kill them all i hear is 'warrrrrhhhhhhhgbleeaahhhh'. why would someone make that noise when their game character dies? the mentality of these people is beyond me.

Sunday 16 May 2010

then we went to adam's

house and had a party! i finally feel like a teenager now, it feels good (happy face). i got moderately drunk and went topless for joe for some reason that is beyond my recollection. then had to walk niamh and lotte home/to the bus stop and came across niamh's brother who was completely wasted and couldn't walk at all. then back to the party and more drunken times (vodka and summer fruits squash served straight is odd, but i'd recommend it) and some drunken quotes then arose from a foreign guy called sasha (see picture)

today is far too boring

to write a blog post about, so i'll just do two about yesterday to make up for it. first off i spent the day with emily, niamh, lotte (and for about 5 minutes, sam). before the first off i made some rocky roads (yay for breaking the chronological constraints of life) so yeah we had pizza and i gave the girls a very interesting sex education lesson using nothing more than a pen, a leaflet and a hairspray bottle. todays picture is an exert from a conversation between me and emily (who has boobs, but i can't draw boobs, bad times)

Friday 14 May 2010

shoutout to hannah

it seems lots of people want a picture or mention on this blog, so here's a whole blog post dedicated to hannah mee. she's the singer (and rhythm guitarist) in my band and is very hyperactive because she has ADHD. she likes to rock, hence the devil fingers (i dont normally do fingers so they're rubbish sorry)

im wearing

a tie today, how very suave.

just found out

that ashley is welsh, so this picture is completely justified (she also asked me to draw it for her, so im not a completely mean person)

i got my bike back

its safe in my shed now, although it has a broken brake. i had to go to the police station last night to pick it up and got asked a series of rather stupid questions (see todays picture). i have far too much work set from college at the moment, they want me to revise but give me too much homework to fit the revision in. this is what i like to call counterproductive education. good one teachers. also is the new keane album advert annoying anyone else? it keeps repeating and its shit. im complaining a lot today. that was also complaining. i shall stop at some point. i wish i had more interesting things to talk about but not much is happening at the moment (sad face).

Thursday 13 May 2010

fornicate with the constabulary

for they have found my bike! going to go and pick it up in a few hours. hopefully they'll find matt's bike too, cos his is much better than mine and costs a lot more too. this blog is beginning to sound like some weird sort of story, but it's all true (much to my amusement/displeasure). i have yet more revision to do, physics today. i'll be really happy when all these tests are over. todays picture is dedicated to my bike.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

other than a stolen bike

today has been fairly uneventful, had a huge free in the middle of the day in which i "revised". just lots of internet usage, waiting for something interesting to happen on facebook (hence today's photo) and more maths (yay). signal fire (my band, yes i'm in a band) have the chance to play at a festival in wigan sometime at the end of march, this should be good. the new spotify is good with its more socialised interactivity, might see what music my mates are into (crap music lols)

woe is me

my bike got stolen today. i thought i'd be more sad, but it turns out i just feel moderately inconvenienced. the police know about it (i say police but i mean community support officers) so hopefully they'll be able to track down the person who was kind enough to relieve me of my £400 bike. attached is a picture of me confused as to the whereabouts of my bike.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

shoutout to ashley

this is ashley, shes ginger and suitably drawn so (sorry if this is so bad its offensive) i talk to ashley a lot and she refuses to meet me (i am sad because of this) (i refuse to do emoticons in here, only bracketed emotions, it is the way forwards)


please accept this picture of matt that i drew using paint in the style of 'pictures for sad children'
its shit i know, leave me to my lunacies (at least he's saying his catch phrase). i might draw something new for every post (if i can be bothered, which most of the time i cant)

welcome, i guess

well this is the start of my blog. no one will read this so i wont bother with grammar as it's too tedious for me to bother with on a day to day basis.

today shit happened... yeah thats about it, i had a test in maths, it was hard. why did i take maths?
i like the way numbers work. no i dont, why did i type that. im warning myself (as noone else will read this) that anything i write will remain on my blog (bar spelling errors). yeah maths, its boring and i dont really like it but it apparently looks good for my UCAS form. i hope this is true.

other stuff happened, you really wont care that much (by you i mean me) (oh when someone starts reading this please tell me so i dont have to always speak to myself please) lots of brackets hurrrr. sentance structure is needed, this is the first blog, i shall let myself off.

i am listening to some strange music from a band called matmos. i would not recommend this band to people. i think strange and in a slow speaking way. i blame the internet. also today i had rice and chicken for tea, i dont want to tell myself this, but its on the blog so it stays. hopefully more interesting things will happen that i can speak of at a later date. which should be tomorrow. i'm going to go eat a lot of biscuits (i love biscuits) and then i'm going to bed.