Friday 8 October 2010

today was fairly

interesting. i failed a test, got my bike stolen again and screamed at a load of 13 year olds. all in all a good day.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

shoutout to suzanne

i met suzanne at emily's party and she is very good at cards (this is a lie).

september was no-blog

month. it is no longer september. hooray for blogging! what has happened to me in my months absence? well i went to leeds festival, that was fairly generic and festivalish. lots of bands, lots of mud, lots of unhygienic people, a genuinely disgusting weekend. when i came home i had mud so far in-ground into my fingers that it wouldn't wash out. also someone put a sleeping bag in the toilet pit both the facts that it was a pit and that someone would put their sleeping bag into said pit are worrying. after a short drive home and a 17 hour sleep, it was time for emily's 18th party! the occasion was suave for all people involved and i met suzanne there (who is now nagging me for a mention, which i will deliver in the next post). after this it was back to college for everyone, and its been the same monotonous days ever since really. my new timetable is good though, lots of frees. but then lots more homework. INJUSTICE. i have learnt many interesting things about all sorts but i can't be bothered mentioning them. i did see a picture of a fly covered in eyes though, that was pretty cool. band practices with doublespeak now take up my fridays, homework takes up my weekend and talking to suzanne on msn and halo reach take up my weekdays.

i was recently told

to update my blog on the current affairs of my life. so i'm going to talk about farmville instead. the only reason that i made this blog was to procrastinate from exams, in which it succeeds spectacularly, and the thing that filled the gaping hole of would-be revision time last year was the glorious aforementioned game. i'm fairly sure that farmville is solely responsible for facebook becoming as large as it is today. many hours were spent by all of us tending to our inviso(it doesnt exist!)crops and animals. this is all i really have to say on the topic of farmville, what an amazing start to my reblogging.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

day 9 - fav tv show

ooooooooooooh who lives in a pineapple under the sea? my poorly drawn interpretation of spongebob squarepants

day 8 - fav animated character

it's professor motherfuckin' xavier AKA professor X of the badass x-men. just look at him in that wheelchair, i would.

Monday 23 August 2010

day 7 - fav movie

yes please

day 6 - fav book

i don't have a favourite book, so here's something nondescript

Friday 20 August 2010

day 5 - best friend


day 4 - fav place

if the picture didn't give you a big enough hint, it's my room.
also sorry i'm a day late, i just don't care.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

day 3 -fav food


Tuesday 17 August 2010

day 2 - fav animal

could that be the fabled mustachioed-sunglasses dog? why yes, yes it is.

Monday 16 August 2010

day 1 - myself

well there i am, sporting a smashing t-shirt and a friendly rape-free wink

seeing as everyone is doing these

30 day challenges, i think i might as well join in on the drawing one

well well well well well well well well well well well

well well well well well well well well, i think i'll tell you what's been happening. sorry about the complete lack of activity on my blog at the moment, i just can't be bothered to update it very often, but that will change soon (more to come on that later, oh the suspense i can hardly wait). following on from my last post, i did indeed go to identify that guy, and did so. that's about where that story ends. after doing this i went to my cousin matt's house for a few days, during which i played lots of rock band, had a star wars movie day and went on a magical adventure to besses o' th' barn. 'what's at besses o' th' barn?' i hear you cry in your unenthusiastic voices. well that's what we decided to find out on the journey. getting the manchester metro for the sum of £4.20 we set off in high hopes, stopping off in piccadilly to get some free mountain dew (yays) and then finding out the train lines was closed from there on. this meant we had to get a bus to the next stop and carry on from there. upon arriving the in most gloriously named place we discovered a housing estate and a car shop. no barn at all. none. not even the hint of a farm house (check the picture for the general emotional state of us all). so we set off back to my cousin's, stopping off in a park where we saw some gypsies (caravans an' all).

came back for a few days and did the usual, had band practice and maybe went to town or something, i can't really remember. then it was off to wales. didn't really do much while i was there, just some fishing, a bit of exploring and lots of eating. i also bought a new tent for leeds fest while i was there for a bit of a bargain. came home a few days before my parents on the train (all by myself, i'm a big boy now) and then had a fun house party that night with the peeps of which i am acquainted. then just various town and friend days up until the present date! well that's been the last few weeks for me in a very unamusing fashion. i would add some humour of the moment to it but there is so much stuff to talk about i wont be able to fit it in.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

two blog posts in one

night, my gosh you people are special. the last post i did was over a week ago so here is what has happened since then. my cousin came round to my house for a few days, we watched toy story 3 (which is pretty over rated if i'm honest). then my cousin left and nothing happened for a few more days... then i went to the park yesterday. and now nothing more has happened. you aren't missing out on much i have to say, maybe one day i'll get my face blown off in an explosion and be able to talk about overcoming my horrible disfiguration... maybe (the picture makes me think that it's not the best of ideas). if you have read my earlier posts (if not then read them, it's not like you have anything better to do) then you may like to know what's happening about the assault case (shocked face). well anyway they arrested one guy and then he said it wasn't him, so now i have to go and identify him from a set of pictures, so he is just wasting everyone's time. i'll maybe give you more details about it when i go to the police station for it.

a comic update is in

order. well basically that comic thing that me and phil were going to do has gone no where, as of yet that is. even so i have drawn some of my own. they are terrible, but then so is a lot of things in life. i don't know where i'm going with this. i'll just post the pictures now;
(some people have difficulty realising the last frame is in a church)

Monday 19 July 2010

i feel that the date i mentioned

in the last post has arrived. lately i've not been doing very much at all, trying to do EPQ work, but not finding the correct information i need. however despite a lack of progress on the educational front, the musical front has been doing barrel rolls (heh heh) all over the place! lots of musical inspiration coming from my favourite artists, culminating in some really awesome post-rock music (see picture, i actaully spent more than 30 seconds on this one this time so enjoy the slightly more detailed drawing!). i have to say it's the best song we've ever written. so good infact that i might even buy it at a shop! who buys music in shops these days? not me! (unless maybe for this song, but even then i'd probably just download it, ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!muahahaha etc). we've been messing around with a lovely little effect called the WALL OF NOISE. sounds impressive, and it kinda is. lots of delay and distortion make me a happy boy.

Thursday 15 July 2010

lotte gave me a compliment today!

i feel that this is such a rare occasion i need to include it here in my blog (see picture for compliment). also i got my bass (finally!) and i had a go at driving a car! whoop! more to come at a later date.

Saturday 10 July 2010

i need some encouragement

about this blog. i don't post at all anymore, but lots of things happen. do i assume that you already know these things, or that you simply don't care? if i was you i wouldn't care. i kind of don't care myself and they're happening to me! anyway what happened in the past 9 days? i left college for a start. the last few days were really good because we didn't do any work (always a plus point). then i went to kate's party (woahhh kate's party), and had some fun times with lots of friends. other than that i've just been making trips into town and thinking that i should do some EPQ work, but then not actually doing it. tonight i went to see spamalot (which is a monty python play-musical-thingy) which was pretty funny, ashley got heckled for not singing by a man in tights that showed off his bum haha (see picture, yes that man has a beard).

Thursday 1 July 2010

oh no, i've been neglecting

my blog for far too long! 'so what has happened to you lately?' a lot, is my response. this weekend i went to scarborough, which is a fairly boring but pleasant place. i bought a lemon ice cream and walked around a park (see picture). this week has been the last week of college and so i haven't really done any work other than build a rocket in physics (which is pretty cool). today i went to manchester university and it's very dated. i expected it to be more modern, oh well it's still very good!

Monday 28 June 2010

the 'ashley made me write a blog post about her' blog post!

there is this girl ashley and she's way cool. like so cool that she is a rockstar or some shit. she goes to concerts all the time which is pretty rock and roll i must say. and she likes HIM, which is bad but i guess her other music is pretty good. she keeps talking about this guy called martyn who she says she doesnt like (that is the first time i've ever used bold, i feel somewhat proud). THE END. (i would like to congratulate myself for writing the worst story ever, but i am really tired and this is as creative as i get unfortunately)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

and now for the aforementioned

comics. because of my lack of posts i thought i'd give you 3 whole posts in one day (don't you all feel special now?). these are written by phil and drawn by me! click on the images to view the full sized versions in all their glory.

everybody does it;

not posted in a week

so lets find out what's been happening. revision, slightly. a maths test (which i've done alright on i guess). phoebe had an operation today on her leg, she's ok. blah blah blah blah blah. imy and joe both had parties this weekend. at joe's we watched some football and commented on nothing, and i also bent my knee the wrong way (that really hurt). then for imy's we went to pizza express in town. we were classy and dressed up for a working class restaurant. that's how we roll. me and phil are going to do a comic strip as well now. i'm not sure how frequent it will be, but maybe we can get something good going eventually, already two comics available which i shall attach in the next post.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

today was a good

day. finally started doing A2 stuff in lessons now, which is slightly more challenging and a lot more fun because they're kind of a doss at the moment. in chemistry we started to learn about transition elements and did an experiment (see picture, i apologise for the poorly drawn glasses, but they're really hard to do). other than that i went for an AWESOME car journey with manda, niamh, emily and lotte in lotte's new car. being on the back seat of a 40 year old car with no seatbelts being driven by someone who passed their test 3 hours beforehand is slightly scary, but also very fun. i also bought my leeds ticket today (finally), it cost me £248.17 in total, which is a bit of a rip off but ah well i'm going to a festival (exceedingly happy face).

Saturday 12 June 2010

ahhh, the sweet smell of justice,

it has accomplished something. the delightful people of whom i had the privilege of meeting their feet in close company, will now be arrested and given a caution on their permanent records, which means they can never get a job in childcare and can never visit australia (ironic i know, considering the foundings of the country). also it was penwortham gala today, which was fairly boring, although the procession contained pirates which was awesome (unfortunately they did no pillaging *sad face*).

it's also worth noting that

the item they stole from me was a chair. why someone would want to steal a chair is beyond me. maybe it's to somehow up their street credibility and be hip with the kids in the hood (yo).

just went to priory

high school field with some friends and got beaten up (oh noes, shocked face). phil was a mighty trooper and took a hit to the mouth in defense of me (thanks btw!) and hannah, georgia and adam were all there to help retrieve my stolen property (as this was how the fight started) my face is now really sore and i'm bleeding everywhere (see picture).

Friday 11 June 2010

*richard's gross story of the week*

my dog has diarrhea and he shat everywhere in the house, which i spent my morning cleaning up.

Thursday 10 June 2010

i really need to get

outside and do something. all my human contact seems to be over the internet and i'm not really talking to anyone in person. i'm slowly becoming a socially retarded monster (see picture). today i slept in very late. this is the most interesting thing that happened. i also had pork for tea. yeah, that's about it.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

what's the scariest thing you've

ever read? i hear you ask. "Clamping is considered extremely dangerous by both practitioners and the medical community as it can cause permanent catastrophic damage to the penis." that.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

nearly finished with the

exams, only have one left now and that's not until the 22nd of june. i am happy about this (see picture). not much happening lately, just revision really. phil and hannah went to go see rage against the machine on sunday (in hindsight i should have drawn that, oh well ceebs). hopefully they had a good time. this has nothing to do with me, sorry. i got the bus to college today and there was a baby that kept making faces at me. so i punched it (this is a fabrication of my imagination, well the punching is, not the baby itself).

Sunday 6 June 2010

my long awaited party

occurred tonight, although a lot of people couldn't make it for revision reasons etc. it was very fun and i'm pretty sure everyone had a good time (i hope so guys) and the only downpoint was ben's excessive drinking (see picture), leading to a very unfortunate sink. this unfortunate sink then had to be unclogged by a collection of mine, imy's and ciaran's unfortunate hands. ick. it was that bad ben dont worry! who am i kidding? it was disgusting. all in all a very good time with some very good friends.

Friday 4 June 2010

a whole lot of revision

has not been happening this week. oh well who needs a levels right? *sob* anywho, spent the time not pretending to revise having walks in the lovely weather that's beset the nation all of a sudden. i came across a pretty retarded 8 year old the other day, who when wondering why the cashier at spar wouldn't sell him a red bull came up with this classic response (see picture). then went off to avenham park today. sat with the gang for a bit and had some fizz time (fzssshhhhhhhhhh). then climbed a tree and cut up my arms (ow). then met ashley and had a chat etc with her. then it poured it down, very heavily. so i had to hide under a tree and wait for the rain to ease off. then came home. tea. blah blah blah.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

not much has happened

in the past few days. my blog will slowly die if nothing of interest happens. all i've done is wander round lostock hall aimlessly, revise briefly and get annoyed by flies (see picture).

Tuesday 1 June 2010

bleh bleh bleh bleh

bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh

Monday 31 May 2010

this picture makes very

little sense to me. i was going to draw a picture of the dogs annoying me, but it somehow turned into this monstrosity.

oh how i love

john campbell. if i was gay i would marry him. now for sleep(see picture).

that last post

was far too lazy of me, please find attached a picture of matt writing some music and playing guitar.

Sunday 30 May 2010

not an awful lot

happening at the moment (see picture). went to town with niamh yesterday, then off to the pub with her again earlier tonight. while there i heard the best song ever; 'hey mate, fuck off, who do you think you are? don't you talk to me like that, i'll do your fucking car'. now imagine that in a belfast drawl and you have a song of epic proportions. speaking of songs of epic proportions, me and matt wrote a song last night. ok i digress a lot has happened this weekend. i've just been too lazy to write about it (oh the woe). i've also been listening to a lot of indie music today. not the 'indie as fuck' kind, but the more indie rock kind. i'm sorry if any family members ever read this, it's awash with swearing today. some other things have happened recently but i'm not going to tell you about them as they're secret (wink face).

Thursday 27 May 2010

tight jeans, double d's make a man

go wit woo. what a shit song that is. and back to my life... well i'm sure you all know about the joys of tests, and i've had double the amount of fun today! with not one, but two tests. maths went surprisingly well, only one really bad question, which was worth 5 marks, so its reet. then physics was slightly different. in the 2 hour gap i had between tests i intended to revise. intended is the correct word as nothing was really done, and so my grade will suffer as a consequence (however i'm dropping it this year anyway so it doesn't really matter). bike journey home as normal on my squeaky wheeled bike (see picture), then xbox etc for a night of relaxing

Tuesday 25 May 2010

i took a break from

revision today and went to town, there i climbed a tree, which was a bad idea because i'm afraid of heights. it also had another consequence (see picture). its been cooler today but still suitably warm so all is good. back to physics now, yay.

Monday 24 May 2010

this post is once again about

the heat we've been experiencing this weekend. it's been nice but it can be annoying sometimes. today i was forced to go on a 5 mile bike ride in the aforementioned heat to attend a lesson of CoPE. in this lesson of CoPE my form tutor explained that he'd sent us an email telling us how to finish our projects. he then read the email out loud for us, and let us leave. what a thrilling lesson. at least i got out of the house i guess. oh well the sun was really bright so i had on snazzy sunglasses today (see picture, although the picture does not contain my sunglasses as they are hard to draw). hannah wrote a story involving me and niamh last night, and i think it's so good i'm going to post it on here. 'On a midnight stroll, with hands held tightly amongst one another, Richard stopped and look deeply into Niamh's eyes. This was odd behaviour for such a heartless beast. "Are you ok?" Niamh asked, "Yes, now that I'm with you, my life is complete" replied Richard. As Richard reached in with eyes twinkling with the ghosts of his past, Kit and Phoebejerked at a passing cat, but that didn't deter Richard. As the couples lips collided all was at peace in the universe, until Niamh reached into her pocket with a sleight of hand only a ninja could aspire to have. Out came a can of Dr. Petersons best Pepperspray, which quickly found it's way from the can into Richards eyes. Niamh took one last look at Richard, whom, moments earlier had seemed so innocent, and ran for her life, into the nearest pub, the Tardy Gate.'

Sunday 23 May 2010

the heat was unbearable

today, so we went for a long walk in it (ever the sensible folk that we are). we all met up at phil's house and then walked off towards the woods near priory high. i'd remembered an old stream shaded by the trees near there, so i thought it would be the perfect place to go. no one else seemed to be impressed by it when we got there (see picture, this one's dedicated to you ben). so we eventually settled on priory high's field under the trees and chillaxed for the next few hours with the intermittent game of catch with joe's american football. then back to phil's to play on 'dante's inferno', which is a pretty sick game where unborn fetuses shoot out of a giant woman's nipples. yes i was as disturbed as you should be now.

Friday 21 May 2010

my house is

full of flies because my mum keeps buying the dogs bones. they smell bad and it's really too hot at the moment for meat to be sitting out (hence the current predicament, and the picture).

Thursday 20 May 2010

sorry about the

lack of posts on here over the past week. i've been having a fairly hectic time with tests and as a result my life has been far too boring to blog about. i now have 3 out of 7 tests complete though (hazzah). other things of note that have happened are i bought a new bass, which has yet to be delivered to me (see picture, yes that is indeed the actual sound a bass makes) and my xbox broke for a few days, but everything is in working order now. on tuesday was my first critical thinking test (admittedly it was the second as it was a resit of the ORIGINAL first test) and there was a question on it that stunned near everyone in the room. '"it's really hard to suck on it and it tastes like sugar" evaluate this claim.' what. the. hell? well that supplied at least some amusement in that oh so boring of tests. i shall now let my nerdiness show and question american people on halo 3. they all seem to be around the age of 13. all of them. every single one. now dont get me wrong, this gives me all the noobs to kill i could ever want, but every time i do kill them all i hear is 'warrrrrhhhhhhhgbleeaahhhh'. why would someone make that noise when their game character dies? the mentality of these people is beyond me.

Sunday 16 May 2010

then we went to adam's

house and had a party! i finally feel like a teenager now, it feels good (happy face). i got moderately drunk and went topless for joe for some reason that is beyond my recollection. then had to walk niamh and lotte home/to the bus stop and came across niamh's brother who was completely wasted and couldn't walk at all. then back to the party and more drunken times (vodka and summer fruits squash served straight is odd, but i'd recommend it) and some drunken quotes then arose from a foreign guy called sasha (see picture)