Wednesday 4 May 2011

while browsing facebook this

evening, i came across the following picture at ( and decided to spice it up a little bit...

Wednesday 9 February 2011

15 subscribers yesssssssssssss

sssssssssssssssssss! i feel this is such a momentous occasion that i will write a new blog post for you all and possibly take up blogging again (this is a very unlikely scenario). i think an update of the past 4 months of my life is in order for those of you who care. i have been to various parties with various people in various places, had some tests with some people in some places and done no things with no people in no places (what could this mean?!?!?? i do not know). hooray for updating!

Friday 8 October 2010

today was fairly

interesting. i failed a test, got my bike stolen again and screamed at a load of 13 year olds. all in all a good day.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

shoutout to suzanne

i met suzanne at emily's party and she is very good at cards (this is a lie).

september was no-blog

month. it is no longer september. hooray for blogging! what has happened to me in my months absence? well i went to leeds festival, that was fairly generic and festivalish. lots of bands, lots of mud, lots of unhygienic people, a genuinely disgusting weekend. when i came home i had mud so far in-ground into my fingers that it wouldn't wash out. also someone put a sleeping bag in the toilet pit both the facts that it was a pit and that someone would put their sleeping bag into said pit are worrying. after a short drive home and a 17 hour sleep, it was time for emily's 18th party! the occasion was suave for all people involved and i met suzanne there (who is now nagging me for a mention, which i will deliver in the next post). after this it was back to college for everyone, and its been the same monotonous days ever since really. my new timetable is good though, lots of frees. but then lots more homework. INJUSTICE. i have learnt many interesting things about all sorts but i can't be bothered mentioning them. i did see a picture of a fly covered in eyes though, that was pretty cool. band practices with doublespeak now take up my fridays, homework takes up my weekend and talking to suzanne on msn and halo reach take up my weekdays.

i was recently told

to update my blog on the current affairs of my life. so i'm going to talk about farmville instead. the only reason that i made this blog was to procrastinate from exams, in which it succeeds spectacularly, and the thing that filled the gaping hole of would-be revision time last year was the glorious aforementioned game. i'm fairly sure that farmville is solely responsible for facebook becoming as large as it is today. many hours were spent by all of us tending to our inviso(it doesnt exist!)crops and animals. this is all i really have to say on the topic of farmville, what an amazing start to my reblogging.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

day 9 - fav tv show

ooooooooooooh who lives in a pineapple under the sea? my poorly drawn interpretation of spongebob squarepants

day 8 - fav animated character

it's professor motherfuckin' xavier AKA professor X of the badass x-men. just look at him in that wheelchair, i would.

Monday 23 August 2010

day 7 - fav movie

yes please

day 6 - fav book

i don't have a favourite book, so here's something nondescript

Friday 20 August 2010

day 5 - best friend


day 4 - fav place

if the picture didn't give you a big enough hint, it's my room.
also sorry i'm a day late, i just don't care.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

day 3 -fav food


Tuesday 17 August 2010

day 2 - fav animal

could that be the fabled mustachioed-sunglasses dog? why yes, yes it is.

Monday 16 August 2010

day 1 - myself

well there i am, sporting a smashing t-shirt and a friendly rape-free wink

seeing as everyone is doing these

30 day challenges, i think i might as well join in on the drawing one

well well well well well well well well well well well

well well well well well well well well, i think i'll tell you what's been happening. sorry about the complete lack of activity on my blog at the moment, i just can't be bothered to update it very often, but that will change soon (more to come on that later, oh the suspense i can hardly wait). following on from my last post, i did indeed go to identify that guy, and did so. that's about where that story ends. after doing this i went to my cousin matt's house for a few days, during which i played lots of rock band, had a star wars movie day and went on a magical adventure to besses o' th' barn. 'what's at besses o' th' barn?' i hear you cry in your unenthusiastic voices. well that's what we decided to find out on the journey. getting the manchester metro for the sum of £4.20 we set off in high hopes, stopping off in piccadilly to get some free mountain dew (yays) and then finding out the train lines was closed from there on. this meant we had to get a bus to the next stop and carry on from there. upon arriving the in most gloriously named place we discovered a housing estate and a car shop. no barn at all. none. not even the hint of a farm house (check the picture for the general emotional state of us all). so we set off back to my cousin's, stopping off in a park where we saw some gypsies (caravans an' all).

came back for a few days and did the usual, had band practice and maybe went to town or something, i can't really remember. then it was off to wales. didn't really do much while i was there, just some fishing, a bit of exploring and lots of eating. i also bought a new tent for leeds fest while i was there for a bit of a bargain. came home a few days before my parents on the train (all by myself, i'm a big boy now) and then had a fun house party that night with the peeps of which i am acquainted. then just various town and friend days up until the present date! well that's been the last few weeks for me in a very unamusing fashion. i would add some humour of the moment to it but there is so much stuff to talk about i wont be able to fit it in.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

two blog posts in one

night, my gosh you people are special. the last post i did was over a week ago so here is what has happened since then. my cousin came round to my house for a few days, we watched toy story 3 (which is pretty over rated if i'm honest). then my cousin left and nothing happened for a few more days... then i went to the park yesterday. and now nothing more has happened. you aren't missing out on much i have to say, maybe one day i'll get my face blown off in an explosion and be able to talk about overcoming my horrible disfiguration... maybe (the picture makes me think that it's not the best of ideas). if you have read my earlier posts (if not then read them, it's not like you have anything better to do) then you may like to know what's happening about the assault case (shocked face). well anyway they arrested one guy and then he said it wasn't him, so now i have to go and identify him from a set of pictures, so he is just wasting everyone's time. i'll maybe give you more details about it when i go to the police station for it.

a comic update is in

order. well basically that comic thing that me and phil were going to do has gone no where, as of yet that is. even so i have drawn some of my own. they are terrible, but then so is a lot of things in life. i don't know where i'm going with this. i'll just post the pictures now;
(some people have difficulty realising the last frame is in a church)

Monday 19 July 2010

i feel that the date i mentioned

in the last post has arrived. lately i've not been doing very much at all, trying to do EPQ work, but not finding the correct information i need. however despite a lack of progress on the educational front, the musical front has been doing barrel rolls (heh heh) all over the place! lots of musical inspiration coming from my favourite artists, culminating in some really awesome post-rock music (see picture, i actaully spent more than 30 seconds on this one this time so enjoy the slightly more detailed drawing!). i have to say it's the best song we've ever written. so good infact that i might even buy it at a shop! who buys music in shops these days? not me! (unless maybe for this song, but even then i'd probably just download it, ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!muahahaha etc). we've been messing around with a lovely little effect called the WALL OF NOISE. sounds impressive, and it kinda is. lots of delay and distortion make me a happy boy.