Tuesday 24 August 2010

day 9 - fav tv show

ooooooooooooh who lives in a pineapple under the sea? my poorly drawn interpretation of spongebob squarepants

day 8 - fav animated character

it's professor motherfuckin' xavier AKA professor X of the badass x-men. just look at him in that wheelchair, i would.

Monday 23 August 2010

day 7 - fav movie

yes please

day 6 - fav book

i don't have a favourite book, so here's something nondescript

Friday 20 August 2010

day 5 - best friend


day 4 - fav place

if the picture didn't give you a big enough hint, it's my room.
also sorry i'm a day late, i just don't care.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

day 3 -fav food


Tuesday 17 August 2010

day 2 - fav animal

could that be the fabled mustachioed-sunglasses dog? why yes, yes it is.

Monday 16 August 2010

day 1 - myself

well there i am, sporting a smashing t-shirt and a friendly rape-free wink

seeing as everyone is doing these

30 day challenges, i think i might as well join in on the drawing one

well well well well well well well well well well well

well well well well well well well well, i think i'll tell you what's been happening. sorry about the complete lack of activity on my blog at the moment, i just can't be bothered to update it very often, but that will change soon (more to come on that later, oh the suspense i can hardly wait). following on from my last post, i did indeed go to identify that guy, and did so. that's about where that story ends. after doing this i went to my cousin matt's house for a few days, during which i played lots of rock band, had a star wars movie day and went on a magical adventure to besses o' th' barn. 'what's at besses o' th' barn?' i hear you cry in your unenthusiastic voices. well that's what we decided to find out on the journey. getting the manchester metro for the sum of £4.20 we set off in high hopes, stopping off in piccadilly to get some free mountain dew (yays) and then finding out the train lines was closed from there on. this meant we had to get a bus to the next stop and carry on from there. upon arriving the in most gloriously named place we discovered a housing estate and a car shop. no barn at all. none. not even the hint of a farm house (check the picture for the general emotional state of us all). so we set off back to my cousin's, stopping off in a park where we saw some gypsies (caravans an' all).

came back for a few days and did the usual, had band practice and maybe went to town or something, i can't really remember. then it was off to wales. didn't really do much while i was there, just some fishing, a bit of exploring and lots of eating. i also bought a new tent for leeds fest while i was there for a bit of a bargain. came home a few days before my parents on the train (all by myself, i'm a big boy now) and then had a fun house party that night with the peeps of which i am acquainted. then just various town and friend days up until the present date! well that's been the last few weeks for me in a very unamusing fashion. i would add some humour of the moment to it but there is so much stuff to talk about i wont be able to fit it in.