Monday 28 June 2010

the 'ashley made me write a blog post about her' blog post!

there is this girl ashley and she's way cool. like so cool that she is a rockstar or some shit. she goes to concerts all the time which is pretty rock and roll i must say. and she likes HIM, which is bad but i guess her other music is pretty good. she keeps talking about this guy called martyn who she says she doesnt like (that is the first time i've ever used bold, i feel somewhat proud). THE END. (i would like to congratulate myself for writing the worst story ever, but i am really tired and this is as creative as i get unfortunately)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

and now for the aforementioned

comics. because of my lack of posts i thought i'd give you 3 whole posts in one day (don't you all feel special now?). these are written by phil and drawn by me! click on the images to view the full sized versions in all their glory.

everybody does it;

not posted in a week

so lets find out what's been happening. revision, slightly. a maths test (which i've done alright on i guess). phoebe had an operation today on her leg, she's ok. blah blah blah blah blah. imy and joe both had parties this weekend. at joe's we watched some football and commented on nothing, and i also bent my knee the wrong way (that really hurt). then for imy's we went to pizza express in town. we were classy and dressed up for a working class restaurant. that's how we roll. me and phil are going to do a comic strip as well now. i'm not sure how frequent it will be, but maybe we can get something good going eventually, already two comics available which i shall attach in the next post.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

today was a good

day. finally started doing A2 stuff in lessons now, which is slightly more challenging and a lot more fun because they're kind of a doss at the moment. in chemistry we started to learn about transition elements and did an experiment (see picture, i apologise for the poorly drawn glasses, but they're really hard to do). other than that i went for an AWESOME car journey with manda, niamh, emily and lotte in lotte's new car. being on the back seat of a 40 year old car with no seatbelts being driven by someone who passed their test 3 hours beforehand is slightly scary, but also very fun. i also bought my leeds ticket today (finally), it cost me £248.17 in total, which is a bit of a rip off but ah well i'm going to a festival (exceedingly happy face).

Saturday 12 June 2010

ahhh, the sweet smell of justice,

it has accomplished something. the delightful people of whom i had the privilege of meeting their feet in close company, will now be arrested and given a caution on their permanent records, which means they can never get a job in childcare and can never visit australia (ironic i know, considering the foundings of the country). also it was penwortham gala today, which was fairly boring, although the procession contained pirates which was awesome (unfortunately they did no pillaging *sad face*).

it's also worth noting that

the item they stole from me was a chair. why someone would want to steal a chair is beyond me. maybe it's to somehow up their street credibility and be hip with the kids in the hood (yo).

just went to priory

high school field with some friends and got beaten up (oh noes, shocked face). phil was a mighty trooper and took a hit to the mouth in defense of me (thanks btw!) and hannah, georgia and adam were all there to help retrieve my stolen property (as this was how the fight started) my face is now really sore and i'm bleeding everywhere (see picture).

Friday 11 June 2010

*richard's gross story of the week*

my dog has diarrhea and he shat everywhere in the house, which i spent my morning cleaning up.

Thursday 10 June 2010

i really need to get

outside and do something. all my human contact seems to be over the internet and i'm not really talking to anyone in person. i'm slowly becoming a socially retarded monster (see picture). today i slept in very late. this is the most interesting thing that happened. i also had pork for tea. yeah, that's about it.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

what's the scariest thing you've

ever read? i hear you ask. "Clamping is considered extremely dangerous by both practitioners and the medical community as it can cause permanent catastrophic damage to the penis." that.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

nearly finished with the

exams, only have one left now and that's not until the 22nd of june. i am happy about this (see picture). not much happening lately, just revision really. phil and hannah went to go see rage against the machine on sunday (in hindsight i should have drawn that, oh well ceebs). hopefully they had a good time. this has nothing to do with me, sorry. i got the bus to college today and there was a baby that kept making faces at me. so i punched it (this is a fabrication of my imagination, well the punching is, not the baby itself).

Sunday 6 June 2010

my long awaited party

occurred tonight, although a lot of people couldn't make it for revision reasons etc. it was very fun and i'm pretty sure everyone had a good time (i hope so guys) and the only downpoint was ben's excessive drinking (see picture), leading to a very unfortunate sink. this unfortunate sink then had to be unclogged by a collection of mine, imy's and ciaran's unfortunate hands. ick. it was that bad ben dont worry! who am i kidding? it was disgusting. all in all a very good time with some very good friends.

Friday 4 June 2010

a whole lot of revision

has not been happening this week. oh well who needs a levels right? *sob* anywho, spent the time not pretending to revise having walks in the lovely weather that's beset the nation all of a sudden. i came across a pretty retarded 8 year old the other day, who when wondering why the cashier at spar wouldn't sell him a red bull came up with this classic response (see picture). then went off to avenham park today. sat with the gang for a bit and had some fizz time (fzssshhhhhhhhhh). then climbed a tree and cut up my arms (ow). then met ashley and had a chat etc with her. then it poured it down, very heavily. so i had to hide under a tree and wait for the rain to ease off. then came home. tea. blah blah blah.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

not much has happened

in the past few days. my blog will slowly die if nothing of interest happens. all i've done is wander round lostock hall aimlessly, revise briefly and get annoyed by flies (see picture).

Tuesday 1 June 2010

bleh bleh bleh bleh

bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh